9/28/2017 11 Reasons Why Stepmoms Should Meditate
Being a stepmom means that so many things are out of our control, and that can be very hard to deal with, especially when it comes to something so personal like our family. Meditations helps you be present in the moment, and feel at peace, despite not being able to control the outcome. WHAT WE 2. WHAT WE PLACE OUR ATTENTION ON GROWS. Venting on forums about the biomom and all the problems she causes us may feel great in the moment… but what we place our attention on grows. If the mom doesn’t send back the outfit we sent our stepkids to her house in, we can vent about it for hours and even days on social media… causing this problem to be the focus of our attention for days (and even weeks) to come. Focusing on problems doesn’t create solutions. Meditations helps you move through these problems rather than sharing with the world… 3. IT HELPS TO FEEL OUR FEELINGS. Ignoring our anger and hurt feelings causes more problems down the road. If we think that not allowing ourselves to feel or express our anger is the solution, or covering it up with “think positive thoughts”, we are simply wrong. This often exacerbates the problem down the line. Guided meditations can create a safe space for us to feel that anger and resentment, then let it go. By expressing and feeling our feelings in a safe meditation space, we can let the feelings move through us and create space for positive feelings to move in. 4. NOT REACTING IN THE HEAT OF THE MOMENT. Meditation trains your brain to pause and observe. The results trail into your life and outside of your meditation, so that you’re able to stop and act, rather than re-act in the anger of the moment. When you don’t re-act to a negative situation with more anger and negativity, this helps dissipate the bad vibes. 5. CALMER STEPMOM = CALMER FAMILY. If we can learn to be calm in the face of whatever chaos is going on around us, this will eventually be reflected in our family. Meditation helps us develop emotional intelligence and resilience so that we can thrive and be happy in the face of external challenges. 6. YOU CAN’T CHANGE THE CHILDREN AND THEIR MOM. Meditation helps you learn to peacefully abide and accept things as they are. Don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean you need to accept abusive behaviors. However you can learn to tolerate certain behaviors that are out of your control and drive you crazy, so that you can live your life happily and peacefully, no matter how hard others try to break that. 7. WHAT YOU APPRECIATE APPRECIATES. When you re-focus your attention on what you’re grateful for, you tend to get more of those things in your life. Guided meditations can help you focus on the positive. So rather than sulking and venting about what’s driving you crazy, why not try to say thank you to your kids and husband (maybe even their mom?) for the things they do right? 8. YOU ARE YOUR OWN EXPERT. Every family is different. There are different personalities involved, different custody arrangements, different everything. Friends and family are often not a good source of “advice”, especially if they don’t have experience in a step-family, because they just don’t get it. Other stepmoms can be a great source of support… but what works in one situation doesn’t guarantee it will work in yours. You have the answers within you, and meditation can help you tune-in and get those answers. That’s not to diminish the help of therapists, coaches and professionals if your situation calls for it… however peer advice can sometimes be misguided. Meditation can help you tune into your own inner expert to find the answers that work for your unique situation. 9. IT’S SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN. Meditation is scientifically proven to reduce stress and increase overall happiness… what stepmom (or human being) couldn’t use more of that 10. IT’S FAST AND EFFECTIVE. Just 5 minutes a day can help re-train your brain to be more loving, re-act less and live with less stress. Need I say more? 11. IT’S FREE! You can literally sit anywhere you are, breath for 5 minutes, focus your attention on your breath, and this is meditation. This will help you exercise your brain and learn to act more intelligently in chaotic situations. We exercise our bodies, we practice a skill like learning the piano, and meditation is no different. It’s a simple practice that helps us re-train our brain to act to our advantage in those crazy moments where it tends to run wild. I'm so excited for you to give it a try, and see the results in your life! I've created a guided meditation album just for stepmoms to help you overcome your limiting beliefs and live in peace and flow in your blended family. There’s a meditation available for free for a limited time on my website, check it out by clicking here. You can also purchase the full album, which you can listen to anytime on any of your digital devices by clicking here. Do you meditate? Have you tried my guided audios? I’d love to hear about how meditation has helped you in the comments below! |
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